PT Marine Del Ray is proud to announce our Partnership with PT JBM, Indonesia’s largest independent fuel supplier company which are, general traders of non-subsidized fuel and oil ingredients we distribute are products that comply with the standards of the Indonesian Directorate General of Oil and Gas. In accordance with our Vision and Mission, in carrying out marketing, we provide the right solutions, products, and processes and strive to find the best to create value, seize opportunities, and achieve prosperity.

Pak Elyas Djunaedi Turniawan CEO of PT JBM and Captain Raymond La Fontaine, CEO of PT Marine Del Ray meeting in Bali Indonesia at our official opening in Jimbaran Bali on 13 October 2023.

It is imperative that we can supply premium Solar (Diesel) to all types of yachts and Superyachts in the largest sailing destination in the world! Now, Captains can order online at which is located at the center of the 2500 NM between Darwin Australia, and Singapore, enabling Superyachts to have the fuel range to discover the 17643 islands that are located in the largest archipelago in the world the “Republic of Indonesia”, which is the best cruising destination in the WORLD because their country has no Cyclones and Typhoons and where summer is, every day of the year.
For the first time, High-Grade EXXOM Desal pictured above and below can be supplied up to 1000 tons using high-volume pumps to all types of Vessels.

“We have the perfect location to handle the largest Superyachts at our existing Marina Del Ray, Captain Raymond the founder”, said!